Friday, September 30, 2011

Quick Thoughts


If you are reading this, you are getting a message from the future. Check the global clock to find out what day and time it is in Japan.
A short letter to let you know I have arrived. Physically.
I still find myself adjusting and just when I think I've gotten adjusted, more adjustments. Fortunately I am adjustment-friendly and I'm doing a fairly good job. Three times a week a tremor reminds me that I am not in Seattle anymore. Last weeks typhoon raised the love and admiration I hold in my heart for trees. It got me to thinking about roots. Being uprooted. What happens when a tree is still breathing but uprooted. It grows again. Of course there has to be folks around to help replant her, but she grows again.

I am very much in the uprooted but growing stage. Those of you who have been following me on this blog know that 40 is up ahead. This whole move, plus 40, uprooted, grow again phase/stage/place is both horribly frightening and amazingly fantastic. Sort of like eating a melted ice cream cone, in a thin cup, while driving. Cheers and Kompai for melted ice cream folks.

I plan to blog furiously and consistently and would love it if you checked back and commented regularly.
Thinking of you all across the sea's.


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