Heartbreak, (insert modern day Anime drawing of a dismembered heart with
lets say snakes or knives or chainsaws wrapped around both jagged halves and
maybe blood oozing and of course…fallen unicorn horns) sometimes like an uncontrollable silent fart at a closed
shoe, Red Wine shindig, or similar to a Lord of the Flies passage at a grocery
store where a child has shazam’d a Captain Crunch cereal box, made it a
conch and yells in the direction of shoppers who haven’t had much personal
experience with the species called, toddler. Heartbreak temper tantrums and throws
glass bottles inside your chest. You want to stop this pain by sshhing it with
sweet things, impossible promises, numbing it—or ridiculous trade offs.
Having recovered from a midlife beat down (the kind where you take your kids, leave
your partner and completely start over at 40)
in the Heartbreak Hotel lobby and finally getting up from the ground (sometimes you can be such a heartbreak pro no
one even knows it’s happening!) here
I am, dusty backpack, one million colorful hairstyles, memoir poems, two
mammogram scares, two surgeries, semi-ashy knees and all. Guess what? It would be great if I never said the word heartbreak again or if the remedy and
get-over-it-time was as simple as the 1979 easy-bake-oven. It’s not! But I
pinky promise if my highest self suspects similar heartbreak symptoms she will
sound off an alarm (think
Breakfast Princess meets Siri) saying,
Self turn right. Self wake up and exit.
Self this is not a healthy situation. Rerouting, rerouting! Self-preservation
is not a want but a need. Self this is not the jam! Self, grab your coffee,
magic wand, journals and go!!!
As part of my promise to myself to blog more
frequently and also healthy procrastinating while I am arguing with myself over
what I want to work on at the Ragdale residency, this is the
first installment of what I hope to be at least three blog posts this summer
about coming in, getting through and coming out.(I know summer is almost over).
Here we go! Lessons, confessions, warnings, revelations
and suggestions concerning heartbreak:
Heartbreak will nag the shit out of you
and when you think you are all done with it, it stalks on back to serenade you
at the strangest times like when you are at a writing residency, pumping gas,
stuck in traffic, pooping or trying on a pair of heels (you don't even wear heels!)
Come up with a heartbreak mantra that
you say/chant/sing as soon as you feel the ouchy thoughts arriving inside your
head and heart. One that acknowledges the pain but also refocuses your thoughts
and energy. For example: I am well, all is well, heartbreak, heartbreak go to
hell. J Try to stay away from song lyrics like don’t you wish your
girlfriend was hot like me etc., etc.
2. Heartbreak will strongly urge you (come on girrrlllll!) to explore retail therapy
or offer you bags and bags of Cheetos and salty chips, some days it will coerce
you to eat air, pick your face or best case scenario you’ll heave yourself so deep
in all your creative work that your friends will think you are mad prolific.
You will say, YES I AM!!! And you
will be… while typing through green memory snot when no one is looking.
Ask yourself, as you are moving
about in the world:
Does not eating make sense?
Is your health suffering?
Is it overboard?
Is face picking really a good
nightly ritual? What about all the blood and post scars?
Are there negative consequences
Do you really need a bag of
chips in every room?
How about one or two pairs of
shoes as opposed to 4 or 5 (on sale)
Heartbreak will make you repeatedly lecture your children or roommates
about the need to be better human beings even when they are already pretty damned
great. It will make you point out the flaws of certain human beings to them when
you are watching Netflix together or walking in the park. You will make them
promise to never, ever, ever, be bad people by hurting, lying or betraying the
people they love. Unfortunately they are smart and know you are heartbroken,
therefore they will agree to everything you say and distract you with new
up-to-date music or funny stories. Heartbreak will make you remind them again
even after the funny story. It will make you find one person from their story
to make the bad person (try not to do that.)
5. Heartbreak will make you distrust everyone including strangers and people
who have no reason to deceive you. You might be walking out of the bank when a
stranger holds the door open for you and asks you about your day. Your gut
reaction may be to say why do you care
about my day? I know you don’t care about my day fucker or me. Why would you
even ask me such a ridiculous question? How’s my day? Really? Really? How’s my
day? What do you really want? Is someone making you hold this door open for me?
Oh wait, it’s because you feel sorry for me. Well don’t! But…instead you
will say something like great, thanks and keep walking. Heartbreak will remain
as you are saying great, thanks and follow you to the gas station. (See
number one.)
Although you have been
through a horrible, horrible heartbreak situation try your best not to think
the entire world is out to get you or hurt you. This may be a good time for
your heartbreak mantra. Try not to make up reasons the people you have grown to
love and trust would betray you—this will be very difficult considering all
you’ve been through. Trusting again…baby steps.
6. Heartbreak will give you insomnia. You
will stay not just up, but way up. You will recap a badrillion reasons why your
heart is broken. You will categorize them and place them in imaginary folders
by order, as in when every single infraction occurred as well as the level of
disappointment. During this recap you will think of all the ways you should
have known (better), should have moved on (sooner), might
have improved, or made situations worse or better. In the end at about 4:33 am
you will finally get sleepy and you might cry (the
boo-hoo-make-your-whole-body cry that comes all the way from a place inside you
can’t talk about). You will be just awake enough to be angry that you are
crying and have to get up in less than two hours. For that reason you will feel
exhausted, hurt and angry. Beware, in the early phases of heartbreak you may
want to reach out to the person who broke your heart and ask them what in the
fuck happened…or something like that (don’t do that. Do. Not.
Do. It.)
Try your best not to
torture yourself with nightly recaps and folders. You cannot change anything
that has happened in the past. Because you know heartbreaks ass will keep you
up, stay away from caffeine, sweets and spicy food after 8:00pm. This may help
you get to sleep by at least 2:00am instead of 4:33am.
7. Heartbreak might give you couples envy. I’m
talking all couples. You might see two cats grooming each other and say to
yourself I wan’t that kind of love!
You may see a seasoned couple walking in the rain kissing and swear you will
never experience the kind of love that is long lasting and is patient. Heartbreak
will stick its tongue out at you and tell you that you aren’t worthy of any
kind of love that you want or desire. It will even make up a story explicitly
telling you all the ways you are not fit for healthy romantic love. You may begin to feel love-out-of-shape.
Heartbreak will tell you that it will never happen to you. (There comes a time when every once in awhile you have
to say fuck you heartache/heartbreak!)
when you think you can’t take anymore, make a list! That's right, make a list
of all the qualities and traits you desire in a mate then write a love letter
to YOURSELF. As corny and too much work as this sounds, heartbreak hates it and
it will work wonders!
Heartbreak will tell you (all
dressed up and going to a heartbreak party) that you are in such bad shape you need to just lay down, be comatose
and hang around yourself only. It will make you feel left out and rejected/ejected/.
Heartbreak will tell you there is no need to be social or be around friends or
loved ones. It will tell you your only friends are___________ or _____________ or
_______________ and none of those are humans or animals. It will make excuses
for you and before you know it not only do you feel heartbroken or rejected but
then suddenly your loneliness is magnified. If you are not careful you’ll
exhaust yourself with every sad song your can think of and go on wild Spotify
searches like, sad songs from breaking up
and it wasn’t your fault or heartbreak
and blood, classical piano.
Soul-searching and self-care is an
absolute must but please, please, oh please don’t isolate yourself. Pick at
least three people that you can talk to. One who will just listen, one who will
give advice and one who might do a combination of one and two plus cook for you
and not be weirded out by tears and yelling. When you are alone, take some time
to write heartbreak a series of letters. Tape them on your wall to remind you
of your progress. It will take time (For some a whole year or more) you will
write a letter something like this:
Its been real. You can go now.
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